Places to Find Unique Content you are Searching for

UniqueYou are here because you need free unique content. Huh?
With heaps of generic content floating all over the internet, it’s a tough time for both readers and bloggers to find some unique inspiration.
You hear advice – you need to produce unique content to achieve quick success blogging from good bloggers like me, more often. And it’s true.
Not only at the UX point of view, but also SEO.
Also at the same time, unique content is essential to get repeat loyal visitors. Visitors who come to your blog, return only when they come across unique content. The moment they come across generic crappy content they bounce off.
Well, now the real question is how to find unique content for your blog?
Here are some the most effective ways in which you can find unique content for your blog.

Search in Google Scholar

Google scholar
Google Scholar engine searches for the white papers and research articles on the web. White papers are thoroughly researched articles that are in-depth about a particular topic. Using those white papers you get the content that is nowhere written on mainstream web articles.
You could use the information on those whitepapers as reference to your articles.
By doing this, you are making your article unique and at the same time you are providing value to your readers by providing white paper links. You also look somewhat credible in the eyes of Google, as you have outbound links to credible sources.
You may also use the fact or figures in the research papers as the proof for some statement you presented in your post.
Like, “According to the , blah…blah…”. It adds some authoritative flavor to your article.

Search Quora

Quora is a great user-driven QA site that has gained widespread popularity. It contains great detailed answers written. The great thing about Quora is, it contains answers to the same question in different users’ point-of-view. Including those ideas in your blog posts altogether, by referring two or more similar questions might be a great idea to present unique content to your readers.
Go to Quora. Using the under-utilized search bar at the top, enter the search keywords related to the topic you are blogging about. If the topic is popular enough, you get multiple questions as search results regarding the same topic. Go through all the answers for those questions. you get a unique idea about the topic. Now you can blend your and those ideas together and form a blog post that drives massive value to your readers.

Search Google Books

Google Books lets you read books without buying or downloading them. It’s the best resource if you want to get the information about a particular topic in a subject.
Books often contain in-depth information about a particular subject.
You can use the below search modifier for finding the information related to the topic you are writing about. keyword
Google books backlinks
With the above modifier, Google returns all the Google Books pages that are associated with the keyword you are searching about. In short, the query returns all the pages in Google Books database that mention the keyword you provided.
Don’t copy and paste the content. Instead read the page of the book. Understand it. And then write it in your own words, and provide credits to the author of the book.
“As mentioned in , blah…blah…”

Search Slideshare

Slideshare is the slide sharing site, which most of the bloggers miss. Slides help people view information in visual form making it easy to comprehend. Some of the slides are merely the content on the article on the web represented in slide form. Whereas others are content only meant for slides.
Your job is to search for slides related to your topic. Go through the slide. Make a note on all the important information you got from the slides.
Later on, while writing the actual blog post, combine yours and the obtained information in your article. You may also consider embedding the slide in your blog post, so as to provide more value.
There are various slide sharing sites. The major one of those is SlideShare from LinkedIn.
Below is the search modifier you can use to return the results of SlideShare shares regarding your topic. keyword
Site slideshare
It returns all the slides regarding the keyword you have entered.
Some other slide sharing sites are SlideSnack, AuthorStream, SlideBoom, SlideRocket, and Prezi and so on…

Search in other documents

Other documents include all the other documents such as PDF, DOC, etc.
You could use the search modifier,
filetype:pdf keyword
Filetype pdf
The modifier filetype: searches all the mentioned format of files on the internet related to the keyword.
The main interest here is of the content type PDF. It is the format in which most of the alternative content is shared.
The second most-used content format type is the doc.
For finding the unique content in these forms, the best place is Scribd. It is the largest document sharing site on the internet.
You can either search within the Scribd or search Google for Scribd results using site: modifier.
You can also search for in article directory sites like Buzzle, EzineArticles, etc.
In a nutshell…
Finding unique content that has not yet exposed to the main niche audience stream is not a great deal. You should learn the method of harnessing the power of the Google search. Whether it is using specialized search modifiers or the Google’s unconventional search engines.
Another thing I want to tell you is that, don’t ever copy the content you come across using the above methods. If you copy the content, it’s no more unique! Just mention the fact or explain it in your own terms and include a link back to the original source.
The uniqueness of the content depends largely on the presentation of content. The usage of words, forming meaning, organizing blog post sections, introduction, conclusion, all these matters to the uniqueness of the content.
So, I think I covered all the things you can employ to get unique ideas related the topic you are blogging about.

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