Digg is a social bookmarking service that has the power to generate
traffic spikes to your website, amounting to tens of thousands of
visitors if a story is popular enough to reach the homepage. However,
few stories do; the vast majority of the content submitted to Digg never
gets that far because Digg users do not discover and vote for it.
Generally, you cannot expect results if you simply create a Digg account
and submit a story; you need to become an active member of the
community and contribute content that adds value and generates interest
to get the most traffic possible from Digg.
are notified, and traffic to the story begins to build exponentially. To gain followers, participate in the Digg community; vote for and comment on stories you enjoy, and follow other Digg users. Wait until you have a significant number of followers before submitting stories from your own website.
Participate in the Community
The most popular stories on Digg attract votes largely because of Digg's social nature; if you have followers, they receive notifications when you vote for stories you like. If they vote, their followersare notified, and traffic to the story begins to build exponentially. To gain followers, participate in the Digg community; vote for and comment on stories you enjoy, and follow other Digg users. Wait until you have a significant number of followers before submitting stories from your own website.
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