How To Find The Keywords People Are Searching For Online

Search engines like Google track what people are searching for online, and how many times per month the search term has been entered.
Keyword research allows you to find which keywords people are searching for online, how often they are searching for those keywords every month, and how much advertisers are paying for these keywords. Keyword research is a very important part of search engine optimization and should be understood by every website owner.

Benefits Of Keyword Research

Keyword research allows you to know what people are searching for and interested in online. If you are about to create a new page, article, or Blog post you should see which keywords are being
searched for to use in your titles and content. If you use keywords that no one is searching for, your website will not appear on the popular search results.
1. You know what people are entering into the search engines to find your website.
2. Based on the keyword phrase, you know how to address your visitor's search inquiry.
3. Focusing your website on 'ONE' keyword phrase increases the amount of search traffic to your website.
Keyword research is the most important thing you can do to get visitors to your website, and have those visitors turn into referral revenue for you. There are hundreds of search engines out there like Google, Yahoo and Bing that millions of people a day are using every second to find websites that match their search terms.

How To Do Keyword Research Using Google's Keyword Tool

Google's Keyword Tool, which you can access for free that tells you what search terms people are using and how many times these keywords are being searched for per month. This search data is collected from the people who go to and enter in a search term, or keyword phrase to find websites relevant to what they’re searching for.
You can enter in any search term you want and it instantly tells you how many people have entered in that exact keyword phrase, and shows you keywords related to the one you entered.
You begin by typing in a ‘Search Term’ people would use to find your page. There’s a link to the Google’s Keyword Tool to make sure this term is being used for online searches. This search term, or keyword phrase is what’s indexed by the search engines, along with your Menu Title, Page Title, and Content.
You can get visitors to your website by focusing your website’s content on a search term, or main keyword phrase that people using for online searches.

You can access the data Google has collected from their search results for free by using Google’s Keyword Tool. All you need to do is register for Google's Free AdWords program. Your marketing section walks you through how to register and use the keyword tool.

How To Benefit Long Tailed Keyword Phrases

Long Tail Keywords are a string of three or more words that make up a phrase.

Long Tail Keyword Phrases have less competition and better define what your website is about.

For example, if you have, or want a website about 'Paint Touch Ups For Cars,' you might think the keyword 'Cars' would be a better term to capture more visitors.

This is wrong because competition is very high for 1-2 word keyword phrases and doesn't tell the search engines what your website is about and your website would never be displayed on searches.

If you focused on your long tailed keyword phrase 'Paint Touch Ups For Cars', the search engines know exactly what your website is about and you're not competing with websites about car sales, information, videos, etc...
In fact, 'Paint Touch Ups For Cars In Toronto,' is even better if that's your business is located, would be more likely display for that exact keyword phrase and bring better qualified visitors to your website.
Income Activator allows you enter in the your keywords in the right places to be found by the search engines and the marketing strategies can show you exactly how to choose the right keywords.

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