Earn Money With Your Facebook Account and Page

Do you know you can earn with your Facebook account and Page? Yes! You can earn while using your Facebook account. You just need to follow the given instructions. The instructions are given as below:

  1. To earn with your Facebook account you need to create a Facebook account and I hope everyone already do have Facebook account. Once you create a new Facebook account login and click here https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php?ref_type=sitefooter. .When you have clicked on the link a new page of Facebook will be opened. You can make new page here in which topic you are interesting. Select the category of page and give it good name. Once you have created Facebook page than give appropriate information regarding your topic and click next thus your page will be created.
  2. After the creation of Facebook page you should like it himself and now your work is started here. Promote your Facebook page by sending requests to your friends and family members on Facebook. As many as people like your page you will be able to earn money. If your likes are 10000 its mean you have earned 50,000 to 70,000.
  3. Once your likes are about five thousands (5000) than you can sale your likes to Freelancer.com or freelace.com. Go on these websites and give offer or bid people will starting to estimate your likes and offer you a good amount. Accept the offer which suits you and sale your likes. You can receive amount online via https://www.payza.com/ or other online transactions websites.

You definitely will be thinking why someone will purchase yours likes? When a popular company or a website owner purchase likes and advertise their products on the page than due to the advertisement of products on good page the sale of products increased thus the company gets so much benefits or profit. While using Facebook you see many requests for liking the page they all are earning online with the help of Facebook.

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