Google search engine History

The invention of light, fire has given mankind a new value towards the life. After long days of these inventions still we are getting an advantage in different ways. The internet is such an invention in the modern world  which  brings revolutionary change in human life. But using the internet we are more familiar with the word Google. Basically Google is a multinational software and internet company. Recently it has become a search engine giant amongst the internet users, which become an users’ first choice to find out anything on the web. Beside these world largest video sharing website YouTube, world largest E-mail service provider Gmail, world popular social media exchanging site Google Plus is another concern of Google. In 1996 Google started its journey as a researching project. Larry Page and Surgey Brin were the foundation member of Google while they were a student of PHD at Stanford University, California. They wanted to create a different search engine which will work different way then the regular search engines. Larry Page and Surgey Brin’s search engine working
method  name is Page Rank. The initial name of that search engine was “Backrub”. Then it changes in Google. The present name spelling of Google is made by mistake. The real spelling was GOOGOL, it means 100zero after 1. Firstly it was under Stanford University’s website. In 1997 on 15th September Google has started their own web address, namely Craig Silverstein, was the first man who got jobs in Google. At that time their office was in a garage. At present, the head quarter of Google is situated Mountain View in California, which is known as the Googleplex. The new employee in Google is called Nuglars.

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