As you probably know Google always refers to “great
quality sites” and “high quality content” in
their webmaster videos. And
they recommends the content creators and bloggers out there to “write for users and not for search engines“. But, what is “high quality content” according to Google?

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines
does offer some tips on design, technical and quality of a website but
most webmasters ignored that. And the result? Google Panda Google Penguin, and maybe someday “Google Dolphin”.
So far, Google have penalized websites with – low
quality content, engaged in black-hat tactics, too much ads (above the
fold ads), over-optimization, high page load time, copyrighted
materials, paid links etc.
Things To Ponder While Creating High Quality Content

Okay, so what counts as a “high quality site“? Last year, after the panda update, Google published a guidance on building high quality sites. It shares few ideas that drove the development of their various algorithm.
Google says:
[quote]Think of it as our take at encoding what we think our users want.[/quote]
Below are some of the key points to ask yourself:
- Would your users trust the information presented in your article?
- Is the article written by an expert who is passionate about the topic?
- Does your site have duplicate content which covers the same topic again and again but targeting different keywords?
- If you have an eCommerce website then do you think that your users would be comfortable to give their credit card information to you?
- Are you sure that your content is free from typos or grammatical errors?
- Is the content written for your users or is written only to attract search engines?
- Does the site provide original content?
- Does your article offers a comprehensive research about the topic?
- Does the article offers more valuable information when compared to other search results?
- Does the article describe both sides of a story?
- Can you establish your website as an authority in your niche?
- Is the content written by poor quality writers who belongs to a network?
- Is that the kind of content people want to read, bookmark and share?
- Does the article annoys users by placing too many ads?
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