Google Introduces Business Page

Google Introduces Business Page
Image Credit : Google
Google+ was launched in June end this year and has become one of the most popular social networking websites by serving more than 200 million users. The adoption rate is huge and everyday Google+ is getting huge number of people almost like Facebook. Some unique features have been picked up by Google+, that Twitter and Facebook never shared. It is serving as a multiple featured platform. Google+ has also introduced support for "Pages," a new feature similar to Facebook's pages.
This new feature of Google+'s "Pages", businesses will be reaching out to fans and consumers similarly whatever we have seen in Facebook fan pages. One of the best and unique  feature i.e. “Hangout” which allows users and business pages to interact on a more personal level via video conferencing. This feature enables consumers to interact with businesses they like and this provides a level which was never though of by anybody.
Another feature of Google+, that integrates the social networking platform's "Pages" with search engines. Here you just need to type with a "+" sign in front of it into the Google search engine, and you will be landed to that brand's Google+ page. This unique feature is called "Direct Connect," and really this is amazing that within seconds you can easily be directly connected to a brand's Google+ page where they interact on more personal levels with users. Social networking has become very easy media to reach people and get the business and users are beginning to rely on search engines to find information. Google+'s "Pages" feature is gaining more popularity in regards to the business brand pages are concerned and easy reach-ability of the pages.
Nowadays, local or global businesses can be searched via search engines and they'll appear in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) based mainly on algorithms put into place by Google. Here, Google+ will serve a great platform where users can find the to-be-searched documents or pages very efficiently.
Similarly Facebook's like feature, Google+'s + feature is getting popularity. The main advantage is here is the search results will show some results and with that if your friends' "+1's" and likes are there, it will show up there immediately with the list. If you want to purchase an android gadget then you will search via the string say "purchase android gadget" and it will definitely display the result with your friends' +1'd links that you may also be shown brands or models that your friends personally have “+1'd.” So this introduces in decision making situation such as you would obviously view the pages that your friends have liked.
Google is changing the search and social networking for both users and businesses and we have to keep our eye on the recent changes that Google is bringing for the business as well as for the users. And it is obvious that Google will change the way we find the web business happens.

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